Living Delia Sellers, well-known author of GETTING
IT RIGHT THIS TIME, is editor of this monthly publication dedicated to enlightenment
and spiritual growth. www.ABUNDANT.atfreeweb.com A
Complete Depression Guide This easy-to-understand,
sympathetic guide deals with the entire range of feelings and emotions, and shows
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options. www.Depression-Guide.com Affordable
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tension from your body.
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on Depression Help - Information and Inspiration for Overcoming Depression
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treatments plus a test kit to allow Energy workers to help their friends and relatives
find the alternative cancer treatment that works for them. www.AlternativeCancer.us Alternative
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& Receive A 400 Page Book On Herbal Medicine www.AlternativeMedicineNew.org Alternatives
For Healing Provides information on alternative
methods for healing, how to develop a career in alternative healing, online stores
for obtaining products. Also provides informative articles for various health
issues and recommendations for solutions. www.Self-Help-Alternatives4Healing.com A
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years of research studies and use by Medical Doctors and Veterinarians show Transfer
Factor boosts your immune system and can be a natural cure for diabetes, cancer,
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prices. The Ankle Shop has a wide range of ankle braces, supports and orthopedic
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functions, reshaping heart to original size. Learn about herbal and ayurvedic
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about ayurveda and different ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of diseases
and common ailments. Also different herbal and home remedies provided. www.Ayurvedic-Medicines.org Ascend2Wellness
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health free from the extremes of yin and yang energy because it is the platform
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and for all with information and resources for traditional medicine and scientifcally
proven natural and alternative therapies. www.Beating-Clinical-Depression.com Beauty Cosmetics & Makeup Tips Online
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york city (NYC) www.BikramYogaChelsea.com Bliss Breathing 
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bodybuilding, weight losing, mass gaining, home fitness equipment, supplements,
exercises and much more... www.BodyBuilding4u.com
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Journey, Resources, Recipes and Inspiration featuring Blogs, Forums, Weight Loss
and Fitness. www.Body-For-Life-Blog.com Body, Mind & SoulHealer Rediscover
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with issues that affect the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. Dr. Louise
is a naturopath, medical intuitive, professional clairvoyant, mind-body healer
and herbal practitioner. www.SoulHealer.com
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The Brace Shop has a wide range of back, elbow, shoulder,
wrist, ankle, foot and knee braces and orthopedic accessories for the entire body
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cure Complete knowledge database on cancer
providing information about cancer, its causes, symptoms and cure. www.combat-cancer.com Carrie
Hart Spiritual healing for deep inner peace and
knowledge. Daily spiritual guidance for gentle and loving self-transformation.
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spa treatment, yoga etc. www.ChaimCitronenbaum.com Charlotte
Health Buddies Health and beauty on a holistic
level. www.CharlotteHealthBuddies.com Clinical
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Anxiety! - Real help for people who want to conquer stress, depression or anxiety
quickly, naturally and permanently. www.ConqueringStress.com Conscious
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site for personal development, self help, self growth, personal growth content
including online courses with live conference calls, books, CD's, DVD's, Tickets,
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and articles and more! www.Depression-Helper.com Depression
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proper support and treatment is given to the patient. Find here all information
related to depression basics, its types, and related disorders treatment.
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Treatment Learn more about depression in children,
teens and adults. Resources discuss depression symptoms, causes and treatment
options. www.TheDepressionTreatment.com Depression
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Defintion, causes, types, and treatment of depressive disorders. Help and support
provided for anxiety, stress and depression. www.Depression-Treatment-Guide.com Depression
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depression symptoms, causes, different methods of treatment. www.Depression-Treatment-Help.com Diabetes
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2 Diabetes for effective treatment and prevention. www.SucanonHealth.com Dolphin
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medicine in a holistic manner. www.DrEddyclinic.com Dr.
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and how we help people deal with it through little known ways naturally. www.Stress-Less-Living.com Egypt's
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the first time in Egypt and the Middle East, T.E.N Tours Egypt is organizing Egypt's
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Life Coaching Training. The college trains students to all levels from introductory,
to practitioner and advanced. www.hyp.no.com
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Shui methods are used to analyse the natural environment, urban landscape, interior
space & time - making the most of your living & working environment. This
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Shui-Spiritual Healing Spiritual healing incorporating
Feng Shui concepts. www.JanetErickson.com Fleuressences
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To quote Gurudas: Releasing spiritual and medicinal properties stored in
the flowers is one of the great keys to unfolding Gods plan on the earth
plane. www.Fleuressences.com Gateway
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Guided Meditation Stress Reduction
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achieve a peaceful soul and healthy living www.SoulNPeace.com The Halls of Reiki Consists
of four wings containing extensive information on Reiki. Room titles include History
& Origin, Information for New Practitioners, Reiki in Daily Life, Reiki First
Aid, Reiki Links and much more, plus a book store and Hall of Music. http://Reiki.topcities.com Healing Feats Holistic Health Services Iridology,
reflexology, herbal nutrition, ear coning, colonics, homeopathics, essential oils
and more! Find books on these topics, a natural health school or practitioner.
Network with others, meet author and Holistic Health Practitioner, Frankie Avalon
Wolfe, Ph.D. www.HealingFeats.com Healing From Within Counseling
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Classes and Articles on relationships, healthy living and tools for positive change
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life tips for men, women and whole family. Includes different diseases with the
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and nutrition, diet, diseases treatment and other health topics... www.Health-Care-Articles.info Health Insurance Quotes Offers
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Vitamin, Macro Mineral, Trace Mineral, Amino Acid and Enzyme known to man in nature's
perfect balance. www.HealthShaman.com Healthy New Age Success Center Learn
about Reiki, Reflexology, Shamanic, and Inner Child Healing. Discover how to lose
weight, reduce stress, sleep better, stop pain and heal. Featuring the original
Intrasound Gel and Intrasound Powder formulated by Victor Roehrich. www.HealthyNewAge.com Herbalchemy.com
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as well as relaxing , sport and baby massage oil. www.HillsideHerbal.com.au The
hOMe Foundation
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You may receive free online chapters of the book, A Recipe for Bliss, Kriya Yoga
for a New Millennium. You may also enroll in a free online Kriya Yoga class.
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OF INTENTION." Creativity Life Coach Karin Janin and author offers coaching
sessions, tele-seminars, healing circles, motivational books, intention cards,
jewelry and free monthly newsletters. www.KarinJanin.com Knee
Braces and Knee Support orthopedic accessories JustKneeBraces.com,
provides a quality products to help bring comfort, and support to knee and joint.
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braces for knee pain, swelling and after surgery at The Knee Shop Providing
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prices. The Knee Shop has a wide range of knee braces, supports and orthopedic
accessories from name brands. www.KneeShop.com Kofutu
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deeper levels of spiritual understanding through the use of Kofutu symbols. Learn
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are available. www.Kofutu.com Learning Meditation
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Set your expectations correctly, and follow a few simple directions and you, too,
can enjoy relaxing, stress-reducing meditation sessions.
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Directory The
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have exclusive access to our Message Board, Chat Room and Classifieds as well
as a detailed regional listing with photo or company logo. www.London-Therapists.com Magical Journey
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in holistic and alternative therapies since 1989. Also available... Massage Treatments,
Holistic Therapy, Massage Couches and Gift Vouchers. www.TheSchoolOfMassage.co.uk Medical
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Herbs Lots of information on medicinal herbs
and home remedies for common ailments and diseases. Tips on how to use these magical
herbs for all age groups. These are full of nutritional value with different recipes.
www.Online-Vitamins-Guide.com/Herbs/herbs.htm Meditation
Info Guide A complete guide on meditation with
information on meditation techniques, meditation methods, meditation music and
meditation furniture. www.MeditationGuide.info
Mental Health Mental Health Resources for Adults,
teens and children. Learn about symptoms, causes and treatment options for anxiety,
depression, ADHD, social anxiety, panic attacks and more. www.TheHealthCenter.info Mesothelioma Provides
an overview of mesothelioma cancer caused by chronic exposure to asbestos fiber.
Also includes mesothelioma symptoms, diagnostic, treatment, and side effects.
www.Asbestos-Mesothelioma-Guide.com Mind
Body Soul Positive Thinking A
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A new age self healing yoga practice. www.MindBodyNSoul.com Miracle
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back pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, migraines, neck pain, joint pain, sciatica
and stress. A wonderful self-healing tool you can use right away. www.MiraclePainRelief.com Mountain
Valley Center Unique Gifts & Feng Shui
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Therapy, Public Labyrinth Park in NC, Energy SourceBook Workshops for Alternative
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to live a happy, healthy and productive life. Blending science, spirituality and
art to nourish your mind, body and spirit. www.NaturesTapestry.com Neck
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helpings of a tiny red fruit ..... and Goji can be your answer too! www.NetNurturing.freelife.com
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perspective. Featuring Reiki energy healing, please check out our Reiki-infused,
hand-crafted candles. www.NewMoonRising.com Nothing But Yoga Yoga is a
process-oriented activity. The idea is to focus awareness on exactly what you
are doing in the moment, to be mindful. Explore the different styles of yoga.
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home remedies This essential guide to health
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look after the well-being of yourself and your family. Total-Health-Care.com offer
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services for health care professionals. www.Nutrawell.com Opening Doorways to Heal Are
you living the life you want to live in your relationships, business, home,
your health? If not, I can help you to reclaim your divine heritage easily through
Spiritual Response Therapy. www.DianaEwald.com Panic Attack Recovery Panic
Attacks Help: Comprehensive, easy to understand, information to help those with
panic attacks, anxiety, and agoraphobia. http://PanicAttackRecovery.com
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is like music, art, sports or any other discipline
it can only be mastered with practice, training, and lots and lots of encouragement.
Subscribe to our free "Kind Words" weekly e-mail featuring stories and
kindness techniques from Zelig Pliskin. www.PartnersInKindness.org
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Sally Toth, owner and president, is a Massage Therapist, Health and Life Coach,
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will help distract from the pain felt and make the child smile.
www.PostPals.co.uk The
Power of Love - A Transformational Guide to Living from the Heart" Cornelia
J. Glynn's The Power of Love is a handbook for authentic living. There
is a saying that "Life is what we make it". Quantum physicists and Meta-physicists
have deduced that individually and collectively we create our own reality. Furthermore,
Neuro-scienti fic evidence suggests that it is in our heart, not in our mind,
where we are totally authentic. Rarely are we encouraged to acknowledge another,
invaluable and reliable source of intelligence within us, let alone taught that
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greatness and aims to help you create your reality from that place. www.ThePowerOfLove.co.uk
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essential oils in Taruna Oil's collection are life-enhancing.
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toxic chemicals and environmental exposures with an effective remedy to protect
your immune system and blood from all blood and airborne diseases. www.geocities.com/guruamiramah/chemicalwarfare.html Psychology
Power ebook publisher for your inspiration Crystal
clear summaries of psychology. Visit us to get your free psychology ebook, The
Little Book of Enlightenment. www.PsychologyPower.com Pure
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great with 'New Zealand made'. www.PurpleSapphire.com
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experts which will help you to find happiness in life. Visit us now for more information. www.Happier.com The
Bridge - Holistic Healing, Spiritual Guidance & Self Development Centre Past
life regression, channelling (with ascended master Neb-Het-Aat) counselling and
spiritual guidance with Dellaina van der Leer. The Rainbow Bridge has been open
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certificate courses available, support on-line provided. www.ReikiTheHealingPath.com Reiki
With Trust LLC Reiki distance healing is remote
energy healing that can be accessed from the comfort of your home and can be directed
to help special events, test anxiety, stress, depression, health issues and so
much more. Single event, 14 day and 30 day Reiki remote energy healing sessions
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in a Minute Refresh your mind by thinking of
positive subjects and stare at relaxing pictures to improve your emotional state.
Grant your brains some distraction and stimulate them to calm down by following
the daily updated 'tip' and images. www.RelaxInAMinute.com Sacred
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will find lots of FREE information on wedding/ commitment ceremonies, Reiki, EMF
Balancing Technique®, Aura Pictures, and Magnified Healing®. www.SacredInsights.com Sage
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to issues related to the healing and wholeness of the mind, body, spirit, and
environment. www.SagePlace.com Self Healing Expressions

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on holistic and personal growth topics. Course topics include Finding Your
Spiritual Soul Mate, Grief Healing, Pet Loss, Nutrition, Laugh Therapy, Healing
the Earth, Emotional Healing, Journaling, Disability and more. Site also features
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SFYoga.net Internet
site of Sam Geppi - Astrologer and Yoga Instructor - A lot of information here
about yoga, the Vedic Sciences and also a free daily horoscope. www.SFYoga.net Soul Talk Stories Love
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the heart and soul. Enjoy these stories, then dare to share your own ... what
you ache for, and what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away.
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between your thoughts, emotions and health? Theta Mastery is about freedom, freedom
to live your life the way you have always dreamed life could be.
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for Transformation 
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and Health. www.Train-Your-Mind.com Turning
Point Psychotherapy 
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issues, Pregnancy and Baby Care. Info on Women's & Child Diseases and much
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Are Not Alone A support site for Victims and Survivors of
Sexual Abuse. www.URNotAlone.org