cat's whiskers are what are known as "specialized sensory hairs." Their
extreme sensitivity can register very small changes in air pressure, enabling
the kitty to avoid objects while moving around in the dark. It's also thought
that they may also be used to establish the position of prey and help locate the
exact position for the killing bite. This idea is somewhat borne out by the fact
that cheetahs, who mainly hunt by day, have less developed whiskers than many
other "night hunting" cats.
are grouped in three specific locations on the cats head. The Supercilary whiskers
are positioned above the eyes, the Genal whiskers to the rear of the cats cheek
area, and the Mystacial whiskers (which are the longest and most prominent) are
carried either side of the cats muzzle.
Mystacial whiskers are primarily used as an alternative sensing device when the
eyes are no longer effective (i.e. in the dark). It's now though that there's
a link between visual and other sensory input in the cat. Indeed, research indicates
a degree of parallel processing takes place within the cat's brain. This can be
demonstrated by simply touching the end of the whiskers -
the automatic response is for the cat to blink.
also thought that whiskers are used a a sort of "magic sensing rod,"
enabling kitty to test their ability to fit through small places and get around
obstacles. Cats are able to change the position of their whiskers depending on
what they are doing -
at rest the whiskers are elongated, at 90% to the head, while when walking they
are tilted forward to aid their sensing ability.
whiskers are not just for judging the width of gaps or the proximity of objects.
They are also mobile and help to indicate the cat's mood. In a normal relaxed
"neutral" state, they are held slightly to the side. As the cat becomes
more interested in something around it, the whiskers perk forwards, ultimately
coming forwards in front of the muzzle. The cheek pads also seem to swell out
as the muscles pull the whiskers into position. If the cat is fearful, it pulls
its whiskers back alongside its cheeks to signal that it is non-threatening. This
also makes its face look smaller.
should never touch or manipulate your cat's whiskers -
especially if in doing so the whiskers are moved in a position counter to their
natural alignment, which can be uncomfortable for the cat, and sometimes downright
irritating. It's also important that you never cut or trim your cat's whiskers.
Regrowth of an entire set could take two or three months, and your cat would have
a difficult time maneuvering around without them.
cats whiskers are not just a part of his good looks; they fulfill functions
of vital importance by supplying sensory information about his environment and
his prey and are essential to his survival. If you pay attention, you will gain
a deeper respect for the amazing sensitive world of your cats whiskers.