Are The Advantages of Inspiration Line's Super Toolbar with Instant RSS Reader?
Incredibly easy access: Our toolbar is a small panel at the top of
your browser that contains an integrated collection of shortcuts, links, and helpful
features. It takes up very little room, while giving you the ease of simply clicking
a button.
My Daily Inspiration+ includes a dropdown menu
with quick links to our Daily Inspirational Quotes eGreetings &
Archives by Topic Encouragement Articles Blog Board
Inspirational Music Internet Alerts & Computer Tips,
as well as other popular pages.
My Feeds instantly displays all of the latest issues of Inspiration
Line (and our sister eNewsletter The Cat's Meow ), without having to
open another program. There are also icon options for: Your
Favorite Sites Local Weather and Time Google Search eMail
Notifier Pop-up Blocker.
Our Sacred Spiral Logo takes you directly
to Inspiration Line's Home Page and Website.
Is This Toolbar Better Than Using eMail?
1. You'll never miss
an issue eMail
filtering has become so aggressive, lately, that we can no longer guarantee (nor
can any other email-based media) that you'll receive your subscription. You don't
have to worry about an eMail getting lost or accidentally deleted, or caught in
a spam filter, or bouncing due to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) problem.
You'll have no Inbox buildup
Don't be concerned about going away for a few days and coming back to an Inbox
overflowing with eMagazines and eNewsletters.
You'll save disk space
Since our Inspiration Line eMagazines are stored on our web server, you don't
have to keep your favorite issues saved on your computer. You can access any archived
newsletter at any time with a quick click of your mouse!
You can keep your eMail address private
With our Super Toolbar and/or RSS Syndicated Link (see below) you never need to
give out your address.
You can print, save and send
Our Super Toolbar isn't just a great way to read Inspiration Line, you can also
print and even forward it to your friends with the Tell-A-Friend banner
at the bottom of each Inspiration Line issue.
You'll have no blocked images
Some ISPs and eMail programs block photos and sound. With our Super Toolbar that
won't happen! You always see Inspiration Line like it was meant to be seen ...
with full color graphics and uplifting music..
Line's Super Toolbar with Instant RSS allows you to ALWAYS RECEIVE our weekly
eMagazine ... plus many other popular online publications and newsfeeds
including ABC News,
BBC News, Science, National Geographic, The Cat's Meow,
and many local newspapers! (See
a list here)
is easy and very user-friendly ...

RSS stands
for Really Simple Syndication. This is an XML format that's used to
send updated headlines to your computer. Your Home Page Provider gathers the content
you select from a variety of sources and displays it for you in one convenient
location. Syndication means you don't have to visit each site individually to
see what's new you simply scan headlines or brief article summaries and
click to read the full text.
You can also receive our weekly issues and bypass email by adding Inspiration
Line's RSS Syndicated Link to your home page by clicking the applicable image
to add Inspiration Line to a toolbar or RSS Reader
that you already have? Go to "Add New Feeds"
and paste in this
link: /inspirationline.xml
Or Download Our Free Super Toolbar with RSS & Daily Inspirational Quotes